We've had one-on-one conversations with dozens of people who care about suicide and want to help make a difference in their communities. One of the most important parts of our project is bringing folks like you together, to talk about interventions that may or may not work, then dive deep into why or why not. Coalition members are the heart of our project, and we can't move forward without them.

Through many group discussions, that take place in our online town hall meetings, we have learned:

1. Overall, the community recognizes that firearms are the cause of most suicides in the Veteran community, there is some resistance to focus on firearms.

2. Words matter - we should focus on phrasing like "preventing firearm misuse" instead of the words "practicing safe firearm storage."

3. There is a stigma around idea of storage outside the home (we have seen and heard about those in crisis temporarily giving their guns to a friend or a repair shop until things are better); this concept would require coaching and education.

4. Cable locks are seen as problematic and largely ineffective on their own. Some feel that they get in the way of home defense. 

5. Storage cases, safes and lock boxes are more desirable but they come with their own challenges.

6. When it comes to a solution, one size will not fit all – all of the reasons for owning a firearm matter.

7. Coalition members expressed an openness to technical assistance and guidance from academic/research partners; however there should be an emphasis on the delivery of interventions and messaging coming from Service Members, Veterans and their Families.

8. All of us agree that engaging the community will require trust, time, and a sustained effort.
Veteran-Informed Safety Intervention & Outreach Network (VISION)
2400 Canal St, (11-F)
New Orleans, LA 70119

Contact us:
Project Lead: Gala True
Phone: (504) 875-9503
Email: vision.nola@gmail.com